Antonio Caliò

Antonio Caliò

Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Graph Machine Learning

DIMES Dept. University of Calabria

Antonio Caliò is a Postdoctoral Researcher with the DIMES Department at the University of Calabria.

Currently he is working on the application of graph neural networks techniques for solving the problem of inferring an influence graph from a collection of information cascades.

He has been involved into the research project CATCH 4.0 An intelligent Consumer-centric Approach To manage engagements, Contents & insights, where he defined and implemented a Big-Data oriented framework for the extraction of users data that can support marketing scenarios.

During his PhD, he developed deep knowledge on many relevant problems in the Network Science landscape, with a particular emphasis on Social Networks.

More specifically, he studied problems related to diffusion models, influence propagation/maximization and graph decomposition algorithms.


  • Graph Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Influence Maximization
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Data Science


  • PhD in Information and Communication Technologies, May 2021

    University of Calabria

  • MSc in Computer Science

    University of Calabria